Sunday, May 19, 2019


Happy Sunday folks! 😀

Hopefully everyone is enjoying this beautiful day in peace and harmony. It's warm and sunny here and I'm resting for now.

Up until this moment, this weekend hasn't been what I thought it would be.

 My expectations: restful quiet with snacks, music, crochet, needles and thread...

Instead I got lots of conversation(s) with my friend, a lost-dog crisis, a bug-in-the-house crisis, and a dearth of rest/sleep.

- Sleep deprivation is not news around here. 😒😣

- The bug incident had my heart racing. I've lived at my current residence for seven years. I can count on one had the number of big bugs I've seen in here.

I turned on the bathroom light and there it was, on the floor. I began screaming. Baby Bliss et al ran out to see why. I said, "Cockroach". Her boyfriend said, "Water bug".

Either way, my adrenaline shot up as I ran in search of something to spray it with.

Febreeze was the first thing I saw.

I blasted that sucka but it didn't stop him. Baby Bliss came with a shoe and a screaming-shouting frenzy ensued.

The sound of a bug "splat" is horrendous. Worse is seeing it happen. 😰😱🤢🤮 But she smashed it. I dare not describe the mutilation I witnessed. Thankfully the boyfriend cleaned up the debris.

After all that drama and mayhem, my nerves were shot. It sent me on a tear. (See definitions 1 and 2.)

Bugs like paper and I have lots of it in here: waiting-to-be-filed: manuscripts past and present, receipts, etc. as well as waiting-to-be-shredded.

Some of that paper will see the inside of our dumpster as soon as I go out today.

Perhaps it was a reminder from the Great One that I need to get my ass in high gear regarding my ongoing quest to free our living space of Things Which No Longer Serve Us.

As discussed in one of the many conversations I had with my friend yesterday, I keep stuff. He said I'm a hoarder. I consider myself a sentimental preserver because I keep things of remembrance: greeting cards (I have the one my mom gave me for my 16th birthday as well as the cards I got at Baby Bliss' baby shower 20-something years ago); some of Mr. Bliss' clothes/shoes/important papers; Baby Bliss' childhood artwork and report cards; old diaries and journals; income tax filings dating back to the 80s including those spanning several marriages...

Some documents I've retained because of a few scary incidents in my past that necessitated me having to prove I did or didn't engage in some thing that could have had serious consequences (fines, penalties, and/or jail time) had I not been able to prove my involvement or lack thereof in said activity.


However, I do acknowledge that some of those documents could probably be disposed of without negative repercussions.

I also know that to move forward, one must be willing to leave the past behind. Or, as my friend and I discussed recently (and on a few other occasions), "What are you willing to give up to get what you want?"

Part of me feels like I've given up so much already, unwillingly (Mr. Bliss, my dad). I know trying to hold on to that which cannot be held is ultimately foolish and possibly dangerous. I also know that memories are ours to hold in our hearts forever, until we are only memories.


It's a combination of so many things. Two of my favorite songs sum up those feelings for me.

One is Vivir Mi Vida.

The other is Rie y Llora.

- Once again, my neighbor's dog got loose and ran away from her. The first time was back in early fall, when the dog and my neighbor were new companions. She took the dog out for a walk and thought it would go potty faster off the leash. 😑

The dog decided to explore the land.


My neighbor was devastated. The dog was returned to her by animal control several days later.

This time the dog ran off when it was frightened by a different neighbor.


My neighbor called me several times to tell me but I was otherwise engaged and couldn't answer. So she climbed my stairs and knocked at my door.

I had to talk to her as I peeked around the side of the door because I wasn't dressed. 😶  She told me the dog had gotten away again. I told her I'd get dressed and come down.

Long story short, we looked for the dog for a while and made a few stops to inquire and inform. No dog and two hours spent.

When I awoke this morning, there was a text from my neighbor saying the dog had returned.


- My friend and I have been enjoying excellent communication for a couple of weeks now. We talked numerous times yesterday, starting at 2 a.m. and ending close to midnight. We've talked twice today.

It feels like we're ramping up the excitement leading up to our anticipated visit and I'm really digging our interaction. According to him, he is too. 😊

I was anxious about going home but now I'm eager to get on the road.

Oh happy day! 💃

Time to change the scenery y'all. Gotta henna this head.

Ciao darlings. 💋

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