Saturday, June 24, 2017


Miracle of miracles, I arrived on time and before my date arrived. What are the odds?  😂

The date went well. Dinner and a stroll at the mall. He offered several times to buy me things and like the well-bred lady I am, I declined.

He was very handsome, much better looking than his photo. Beautifully smooth chocolate skin, a gorgeous smile, friendly eyes, an open face.

He's exactly my height, muscular build, and yes, there is a second date planned.

I'm home and he's making the hour plus drive back to his home. It would have been nice to extend the date but a sista has other things to attend to.

The most recent ex-paramour and I have decided we can still socialize together so we're gonna go play cards with some friends.

Should be fun. I like playing cards.

Ciao for now folks!

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