Saturday, April 29, 2017


The past few days have been busy and interesting. Very interesting.

Sad, uplifting, exhilarating, awkward...

Mi vida...  😁😂😐😖😠😍😊😁😳

Despite his excruciatingly busy work schedule, my Paramour and I had two long dates in the past week.

Shopping, eating, riding, lots of talking and laughter, a few tears, lots of kissing and hand-holding...

This week we divulged additional personal information to each other, I visited his job, he took me to see the progress on the home he's having built, I had an opportunity to see him shirtless. 😜

He's respectful, a good kisser, industrious, chivalrous, he makes me laugh, gives me reasons to dream.

In other news, Mercury is being all kinds of relentless this retrograde.

Last night I received a "proposition" via text from a guy I had two dates with in the past and don't care to see again. If I had been into him, had I been so inclined, I might have given him a night he'll remember until his last breath. 😜😄😶

The aforementioned invitation:

As it stands, even if I wasn't seeing my current flame, home boy ain't got nothing coming. (As we say back home.)

It makes sense to me that if we went out twice and I haven't responded to your calls or texts in over 30 days, we're not dating. We're not even friends. Just let sleeping dogs lie dude.

And even if I did want to see that guy again, I would have passed on last night's offer.

My fate has been sealed by the gods and I must remain chaste until the wedding.

Are you asking, "What wedding?!"

Silly me. Let me enlighten you good people:  I'm gonna be wearing an engagement 💍 before my next birthday and married before Christmas.

You're asking how I can be sure, yes?

Check it out:


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