Thursday, April 27, 2017


Mercury is showing off and out, as one of my southern Christian sista-friends might say. 👯 💃 😂

Today, I got another reminder service call from the auto dealership.  ðŸ‘€ðŸ‘¹ðŸ‘¿

Now I'm wondering if I'm the only one and guessing I'm not. (Mostly because I want to believe I'm not the only person being annoyed by this Mercury retrograde.)

In addition, I received a couple of texts from this guy (post 718, re: Guy Number One) the other day.


Why this man insists on beating a dead horse is beyond me. My cell phone provider does allow me to block texts but that service is only for a limited amount of incoming numbers.

If you read post 749,  you might suspect that the list is full and you would be correct. An arbitrary deletion from said list is in order so that I may add this Frequent Offender.

Being a soft-hearted person, in the past I've sometimes responded (two-three-four-five times -- to this guy and others) with a polite text stating I'm no longer interested.

But habitual line-steppers (as Charlie Murphy liked to call them) will persist.


Any way folks, that's an activity for a later time. I've had a long and delightfully interesting 24 hours  ðŸ˜œ which I shall detail after a seriously-needed nap.  

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