Saturday, July 23, 2016


Hello people.

I hope everyone has stayed safe and comfortable over the past several days.

It's been hot here. Scorching.

We're doing what we can to stay cool which usually involves running the central air all day. I turn it off in the evening, as soon as it's cool enough to do so. However it's usually back on by 8 or 9 a.m. because it starts to warm up in here a few hours after sunrise.

Although I don't like my electric bill to be "sky high" (as my grandma says), it's the one bill I rarely squawk about paying. Hot flashes will do that to a girl.

Moving along...

Baby Bliss and I attended the wedding last Saturday evening. The ceremony was beautiful to both my eyes and my spirit. I began crying as soon as the groom appeared, grinning as if he was privy to some exquisite secret the rest of us hadn't caught on to yet.

The reception was a blast.

The meal was tasty enough. There were two meat options, several veggies to choose from. I had some kind of baked chicken, green salad, and a roll.

Aside from my excitement and gratitude at being invited to share in a couple's mutual joy and pending unification, my number one reason for attending weddings is the cake.

It was delicious. I ate three slices, two at the reception and one I brought home. Greedy ole cake-loving me would have eaten more cake but I was wearing a fitted dress and would have looked awful with a bulging food baby in my belly. I also didn't have any apple cider vinegar with me. (It helps regulate glucose when taken before a meal.)

Thankfully I was able to restrain myself.

There were the usual reception agenda items: the bouquet toss, the garter toss, dancing.

I danced quite a bit but not one line dance did I do. I've only become proficient at one line dance in my 40+ years on the planet so when one of the telltale songs begins to play,  I watch and cheer enthusiastically from the sidelines.

The anticipated drunk and disorderly were surprisingly absent. Maybe because it was a cash bar.

We got home after 11 p.m.

* * *

Sunday evening my beau and I saw the new Ghostbusters movie. It was just funny enough but Leslie Jones' role seemed stereotypical in more ways than one, most specifically her dialogue.

The gentleman and I did a lot of smooching and hand-holding during the show. A little leg-rubbing...

By the time the movie ended, there was very little time to hang about because he gets up early for work.

He walked me to my car, we took a few minutes for farewell kisses, then headed to our respective homes.

* * *

Most of my week was spent on mundane chores and errands while waiting for word from a client on an upcoming project.

There was lots of texting with the beau.

In the middle of the week, I had dinner with a childhood friend who recently relocated to the area for work. Lucky him, he landed a plum executive-level position with a large financial institution.

We were in grade school and high school together, he grew up on the other side of the road from me, and one of his older siblings was in school with Mr. Bliss so the roots run deep. Although we rarely see each other, we've managed to keep in touch using various methods over the past 30 or so years.

Thursday evening, my beau and I had dinner down in the big city, then a stroll and after-dinner conversation.

We were supposed to have a date last night as well but I was tired. I hated to beg off at what was almost the last minute but it was necessary.

But we're making up for it tonight.

In fact, we have a date at 7. It's almost 6:15 so y'all know what that means right?


If I don't light a heck of a fire under my tail I'm gonna be late.

Have a good one y'all!

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