maybe i couldn't find it because i was dog tired? dunno.
i did see several varieties of tuna but decided to leave it on the shelf. i was not about to pay almost $2 a can just cuz i want the low sodium variety.
so i'll be out again one day this week, probably friday because i don't plan to leave the house again until then. i'm tired.
that will be a trip to trader joe's cuz they are: a. in the neighborhood; b. their tuna is reasonably priced; and c. they have water too. which i forgot.
today's list:
- e-mail the document to the client's other service provider (who did indeed call me yesterday while i was out)
- call the client (who called late yesterday afternoon, while i was passed out in exhaustion)
- call my daddy to make sure he wasn't swept away in a tornado. (yes, i forgot to call yesterday.)
- continue the search for the info daddy needs. (so i can print, re-type/copy-and-paste, mail to him.)
- order baby bliss's end-of-grade tests.
- continue end-of-year review items with baby bliss.
- make lists for baby bliss's upcoming b'day party.
- start lists for impending trip home for family reunion.
- start lists for our soon-to-be-upcoming vacation.
i'll get to it later this week (still on my list from days/weeks/months ago):
- need to pay #1 auntie for location rental.
- find baby bliss a new swim suit or 2.
- post office so baby bliss can mail a birthday card to a friend back home (and i can check my p.o. box again).
- post video of ducks in the pool on the blog.
- finish a scarf i crocheted for a friend; mail to her.
- file the papers on my office floor.
- fix #1 auntie's earrings and return to her ASAP.
- finish altering a pair of pants i turned into a skirt (by adding inserts to the Vs created when i took the middle seams out; i'll be doing at least 2 more pair of pants after i see how this item turns out. the pants had gotten a bit tight in the cabooty but fit quite nice and comfy once transformed into a skirt.)
- continue crocheting the belt i started for my cousin's sister-in-law.
- move unpacked boxes to my office (so my living room will be semi-cleaner when the kin folk swarm on party/mother's day weekend).
- find/order/buy a replacement charger for mr. bliss's cordless drill so he can put a curtain rod over the living room window. (before the swarming commences.)
Girl I have to go and lay down after reading your dayum list. That's too much stuff to do. Ain't nobody gonna care yall ain't got the curtains up. *chuckle*
Girl you don't know my momma! She will come in and re-arrange Baby Bliss's room like she is Hazel. And the whole time she will be fussing at me as if it's all my fault that the child chooses to live in a hurricane zone.
When I was growing up, I just didn't have that much STUFF! I keep giving stuff away and taking stuff to the Goodwill but every time I look, somebody keeps giving her MORE stuff.
*shaking my head*
I'm tired.
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