Sunday, March 15, 2020


Good day folks.

I hope everyone is healthy and safe. 🙏🏾

So far, so good on our end. 🙌🏾

The first dream I recall from this morning was about my dad. He was in a nursing home, a huge one. (So maybe it was a hospital.) I was there to visit him but wasn't sure it would be allowed because of COVID-19. We were allowed two short visits in his room then I got in some kind of trouble with the nursing home authorities and was called into the office.

In the dream after, I was telling my uncle that I'd seen my dad. But even as I was telling my uncle in the dream, I thought to myself that visiting my dad was a dream because daddy is dead now.

I don't recall any detailed details because I was jolted awake by my alarm, always a bad feeling and a rough way to start the day. 😳

No matter. It was good to see daddy. 💓

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