Saturday, March 14, 2020


Yes, I initiated this post the other day but it was incomplete because I had to run. Updating now...

🌸 🌸 🌸

Hello everyone.

I hope everyone is safe and in good health, especially considering the state of the world right now. I am praying for us all.

As usual, there is lots happening in my life. Some of it ongoing.

The angst about COVID-19 abounds. There are now 19 confirmed cases in my state. I'm not much concerned about me but about about neighbors, friends, and family members who are in high risk groups.

While I have been out every day, I am now thinking about staying in. Schools and universities are being shuttered. Employees are being encouraged to work from home if possible...

And with what I've seen when I've been out, these measures are necessary.

Yesterday I was in several stores and noticed cashiers in two stores wipe their noses with their hands while in the midst of checking out customers. 😱😷

I believe actions like this are how and why COVID-19 is now a pandemic.

Some people are unsanitary either because they don't care or they don't know any better.

Today I was in a store and a woman was literally on my heels as I slowly walked an aisle. Why? 😠
If I had turned abruptly and stretched my arm out, I would have hit her in the face.

I've seen many news articles* from reputable sources that are urging us to boost our immune systems as a (possible) method of prevention. Whether or not that will work remains to be seen.

Everyone's immune system isn't the same. What works for one might not work for all in terms of boosting ability, dosages, etc.

Find something that seems to work for you and stick with it.

From the stories I'm reading about those who have had it and survived, it might be the best we have in terms of protection. 🙏🏾

While we wait this mess out, I am looking for everything Good and Wonderful to boost my Happy Quotient because it helps me lessen stress and for these things, I am grateful. 🙌🏾

Here is something beautiful I came across today: Italians are singing songs from their windows to boost morale during coronavirus lockdown.  💓

* Links to some articles:
  1. Boost Immune System to Avoid COVID-19: Guardian
  2. Foods to Boost the Immune System
  3. One Way to Have a Healthy Outlook on COVID-19... 
  4. Sick of getting sick? Super-boost your immune system (This one doesn't mention COVID-19 specifically but is listed under "Manage health conditions: Colds and Flu".)

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