Monday, January 28, 2019


So a few days ago daddy visited in my dream.

He was happy. And young. But still my daddy.

He had a lot of company in his apartment. They were all laying around in the living room, some sleeping. There was a cute puppy. I asked them all to leave. We went into his bedroom. Daddy had a lot of new things. Furniture, clothes, workout equipment...

I asked him where he'd gotten it all. He was grinning and happy, said he bought it.

(Oh Lawd daddy! With what?!)

I asked him how much it all cost. He said he didn't know; he'd used his debit card.

(Oh Lawd daddy!)

I knew it was a dream and he'd died in waking life but I also knew that it was all real in the dream and I dream-panicked. I estimated that his new stuff had cost a couple of thousand bucks, more than he had in his (waking life) account when he died.

"Daddy! That means your account is overdrawn. The bank is gonna be calling me." Instant headache.

Daddy wasn't too concerned. 😐

I woke up laughing and looked for the dream book. 📗

Three numbers: 679 (which I didn't need to look up because everyone knows it's the number for the dead); 351 was the number for "daddy", and 756 was the number for "money".

Playing the lottery isn't my thing but I do dream numbers sometimes and pass them on to friends and family.

This time I meant to tell Baby Bliss to play the set of numbers mentioned above. Well, I forgot. And guess what? The daytime number that day was 657. If she had played it, the winnings would have been a minimum of $40 for what we call "50 cents boxed" back home.

In this state, they call it something else but the payout is the same. Other combinations of play/payout: NC Pick 3 Payout - Jan 22, 2019.

Hysterically funny because daddy was a numbers runner in his early youth.

Thank you daddy for looking out for your girls but we slept that one. We'll get it next time so come on back! 😅💕😂


C.George said...

LOL I keep a notepad of every number i dream of. I play them in our powerball, but haven't won anything. yet.

Bliss said...

I wish I could give someone a Powerball number that gives him/her a big win. That would be so cool.