Monday, November 19, 2018


Good evening and Happy Monday folks.

I hope everyone is in good spirits and somewhere safe.

Other than being tired, I'm doing well. 🙆🏽‍♀️

Daddy is is well as he can possibly be with all the health obstacles he's experiencing.

Last week we had a scare in the wee hours that necessitated an overnight hospital stay. Afib, they said. He was put in observation, had his medications changed, then discharged back to home.

I was already tired but that hospital stay really knocked things out of wack.

Daddy had awakened me that morning around 3. The paramedics and EMTs came and we were at hospital by 4.

I had only just gone to sleep at 1 a.m. With getting checked into the E.R., waiting for a room, getting to the "room", and daddy getting his vitals checked and blood taken every 15-30 minutes (so it seemed), I was only able to get in a few winks and nods until I came home that night around 9 p.m.

My plan was to sleep a few hours then head back to the hospital around 4 or 5 a.m. But I was exhausted and decided against setting an alarm. I awakened before 8 a.m. and was back with him by 10.

Since he's been home I haven't been able to sleep through the night, waking every couple of hours until daylight and/or time to get up. 😫

Daddy has been very tired since he returned because he didn't get any sleep in hospital either. He does get his naps during the day and I doze. But it's not enough. I'm really gonna have to get in a solid 15-minute nap or two while he's getting his 😴😴😴.

This here care-taking ain't for the faint of heart, I tell ya. 

🌸 🌸 🌸

In other news, I've been talking with my friend. (And y'all have guessed by now that he's a "he" right? 😌)

So as I said, we've been talking. He seems to be doing well but I know how deceptive the grieving process can be, especially in the beginning. And we can never know how another person grieves because it's different for us all. It's such a long and winding road. Sometimes eerily quiet, other times loudly frightening.

My prayer for him is that he's able to move safely through this journey and emerge... intact.

We talk a lot about our dearly departed significant others. He knew Mr. Bliss. Not on a very personal level but they'd met a few times. I never got the chance to meet his lady. Hearing about her and their life together gives me a good feeling. I'm glad they were happy, that he was happy with her. 😊

He's a good guy. I hope he'll be that happy again one day. 💕


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