Thursday, January 11, 2018


How-do folks?

It's early Thursday morning in my spot on the globe. Lately I've been up until the WEE wee hours, nodding off around 4 a.m. and sometimes 5 a.m. (Is that news to anyone? Probably not.)

I'm usually up by 10 or 10:30 a.m., which gives me five to six hours of sleep per 24-hour cycle. I find myself getting sleepy around 5 or 6 p.m. but I fight it because taking naps is a habit I try to avoid. Occasionally -- rarely -- I give in.

Later today might be one of those days but I can't say for sure as I'm currently tired but not truly sleepy.

Wednesday was a busy day spent with one of my neighbors.

We started with me taking her to a doctor's appointment. (Lucky me, I scored a free blood glucose meter in the pharmacy. 👍 I've been wanting one for a while, so I can test periodically. Go here 548. for why.)

Our next stop was Target, to return an item I bought earlier this week and do a bit of shopping.

My neighbor and I got separated in the store and after I walked the aisles for maybe a half hour searching for her, I purchased my sweet potatoes then went over to sit in the cafe to wait for her.

After I'd sat there longer than I was comfortable with, I went to customer service to have her paged. Another five minutes and I see her making her way to the closest self-checkout.

(Where I was happily chatting with M, a fella who works one of the registers in customer service and who I see occasionally at the store. It's hard to say how old he is -- my guess is late 50s to mid 60s. M  has the manners of a courtly gentleman. He's always polite and gives me nice compliments but never crosses the line into "flirty". He is the only person I consistently recognize at the store and I'm there several times a month. No wondering why, right?)

By the time we left Target it was after three and I was getting hangry. 😠🍐🍗🍚🍤🍹 My neighbor said she'd treat me to lunch (for taking her to her appointment) and I needed that food.

Originally we were gonna have lunch at a new place we found the last time we hung out. But it was rush hour and I didn't want to fight the horrible traffic that would be waiting when we finished eating.

Finally we decided on a restaurant halfway between where we'd left and where we were headed.

Lunch was relaxed, leisurely. We shared good conversation and laughter. It's so nice to be able to take one's time when eating a meal with friends, family.

With lunch under our belts, we made a bee line for the nearest dollar store where I grossly overspent. I literally went in for two or three items and came out with several bags. 👀

News flash:

I'm going to a party Saturday! Guests were asked to bring food, drinks, or give a small donation upon arrival. I bought fixings for tuna salad then realized shortly after I got home that tuna is probably not a good snack for a party.

Certainly I don't want anyone breathing fish breath in my face, a thought that eluded me while I was filling my shopping cart (known in these parts as a "buggy").

My neighbor will need to make a drugstore run later today to get her prescription and though there is rain in the forecast (I don't like driving in the rain), I told her I'd give her a ride. It won't do to have her walking in the rain even if it's only a drizzle.

I'll make a grocery store run while I'm out with her because I've decided to make a simple pasta salad for the party. I need a few ingredients absent from my cupboards: black olives, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

My preferred pasta salad has no tomatoes which and does taste better if there is tuna in the mix but (for reasons mentioned above) there will be no tuna in this salad. The tomatoes go in to benefit the others which is okay with me. I'll be sure not to put any on my plate. Hopefully the black olives will be a good substitute for the missing tuna.

It's likely I'll buy juice too because I don't drink alcohol and although there might be lots of non-alcoholic beverages on hand, it's not nice to count on others to have my favorite drink(s) lolling about.

Small price to pay for the hosts agreeing to host. All the preparation that goes into making one's home hospitable then in addition to the fun guests you get uninvited guests, messy guests, guests who don't know when to leave, guests who get pissy drunk... 👿

We hosted many events at our home up north. Baby Bliss's birthday parties, a birthday party for my grandma, folks over for dinner or just to hang out... Some events were family, some were friends,  some were both.

No matter how much fun was had, the best thing for my nerves was having the party elsewhere.  😌

Seems like it's been ages since I've been to a house party and I'm looking forward to this one. It's possible I'll spend the night because the shindig is an hour from me. An hour's drive isn't awful but by the time the event ends, I might be exhausted. 😩

As I am now.

Time for snoring.

Je m'en vais y'all! 💋

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