Monday, October 30, 2017


Good Monday to you fine folks.

I hope everyone has been well since we last met here.

I've been many things since then: overjoyed, frazzled, peaceful, optimistic, disheartened, overwhelmed, and more. Sometimes all in the same day. Literally.

The emotional life of a peri-menopausal woman is rich with feeling.

And so much has happened since my last post.

- Daddy has been home, back to the hospital, back to rehab, and back home again. He's had good days and some not-so-good days. As of our last phone call he sounded really well, like his pre-stroke self.

But that was a week ago. We're having communication issues, me and daddy. His cell phone seems to have gone missing so I can't reach him on that number. No one answers the house phone when I call so I can't talk to him that way. I can talk to him when he's in hospital or rehab or when his wife calls me from her cell phone.

The last time she did, she put us on speaker. Her reason: the earpiece wasn't working well. Funny that it was working well when she called me to say my dad wanted to talk to me.

As my faithful readers know, this isn't the first time there've been communication issues between my dad and I due to his wife's interference. I'm not sure if she knows she's hurting my dad with her behavior but I know.

🌸 🌸 🌸

In other news, I've been in my hometown since Friday. I drove up for a cousin's engagement party and to attend an event with my momma.

Both those events were fun.

The not-so-fun but oh-so-exciting event came later.

Mr. Quince has been in hospital since Thursday evening, when he was admitted via emergency room visit.

I stayed overnight with him Saturday night and I'm here with him tonight. I truly wish I could stay longer but I must return home tomorrow because I have business down south that needs handling.

It's possible I'll return before December but not a certainty. Once the temps drop below 40 degrees (day or night), there's no long distance driving for me.

🌸 🌸 🌸

On that note, I'm gonna bid y'all bonne nuit. 😙 It's at least a six-hour drive to where I'm headed and with the way I drive, it might take eight or nine.

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