Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Happy Tuesday y'all!

If you're reading this, like me, you woke to see another day.

Hallelujah!  🎉🎉🎉

Another fast one because I'm in the middle of several projects and need to finish them before I hit the road tonight.

First, let me thank everyone who joined me in ensuring the safe return of Baby Bliss from her weekend excursion into the wild.

She gave me an awful scare by not calling on Saturday after saying she would. I called the ranger station and wouldn't you know it, they aren't open on weekends. Sunday morning I dreamed of fighting off a pack of wolves. 😰

Thank God for Facebook. I'm friends with the mom of one of the other kids who went camping and she assured me that even though she hadn't heard from her child, another mom had heard from the children and all was well.
🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

Remember how on Friday I was feeling like something was askew in my world? It was daddy.

Sunday morning he called to say he was in hospital, having had a heart attack on Friday.  😔

He said they rushed him straight to the operating room from the ambulance. I'm thankful that he is now home and on the mend. I love my pappy. He's about as tough as they come.  🐓

My family welcomes your prayers as well as positive and healing thoughts for my dad. Thanks in advance!

Despite the drama of Sunday, I had a lovely Mother's Day with the paramour.  💕💕💕

A bouquet of beautiful roses, a visit to my grandma's, a late lunch/early dinner down in the Big City, a few lovely hours spent laughing and talking at my favorite park on the lake.

Lots and lots of smooching... 💏 💕 💏

Okay folks, gotta run!

The paramour and I have a late-night date planned (he works second shift) and I have lots to do before I meet him later.  😜

I also need to start packing for my upcoming trip north.

A woman's work is never done y'all.  😝

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