Sunday, November 23, 2014



Two recent family deaths.

Reminders that I need to enjoy every day as much as possible.

Reminders that some things on my to-do list have rolled over to the next day's list too many times. A few of them are things I want to do before I return to the dust.

With those thoughts in mind, next year my daughter and I will tour Europe. Definitely France and Italy. The UK may be on the list as well because a branch of our family tree hails from Scotland.

Likely a stop in Switzerland because it borders France and Italy, so why not.

Weather will dictate time of year. I prefer warm weather and sunshine. So does she.

This will be one of a few vacations where beach time is not a priority.  :)

We'll focus on food, fun, meeting new friends along the way.

There will be lots of walking, train rides, sleeping in hostels and pensions.

Research has been ongoing for a few years. (Thanks Joseph Rosendo and Rick Steves!)

Something wonderful to look forward to.


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