Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Ordinarily mornings seem to be saddest but for the past week or so I've been crying at random moments.

Maybe it's because Thanksgiving is coming. He loved holidays that focus on family and food.

I used to.

My daughter and I have decided to have dinner here at home, alone. We might visit family and/or friends after but it's not likely. A lot of people get drunk during the holidays. I don't want to be driving in the dark with those folk.

It will probably be a movie weekend for us. I have several reserved at the library. I'll pick them up by next Wednesday, latest.

It won't be strange to eat dinner without Mr. Bliss. He worked on Thanksgiving Day many times. It will be strange that I won't have to save a plate for him because he's not coming home this time.

I miss him.

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