Sunday, July 22, 2007

155: we gather together...

(sue me if the punctuation and grammar are off y'all. it's almost 3 a.m. and i should be a-sleeping!)

i do believe in 'scopes, i do believe in 'scopes, i do-i do-i do-i do-i do believe in 'scopes!

i believe in astrology cuz i do. i'm not always a believer in horoscopes tho. least not the ones that are in the daily paper or in my inbox every day.

except when they're dead-on.

seems like that's been happening a lot lately. not every day of course. but 2 or 3 in a week is kinda skare-reee. or weird. or wonderful. 'pends on the day, the issue, and my mood.

church has been the same way.

for the past few sundays, i've been sittin' there listening to one of our ministers and then out she comes with a mention of the very thing/thought/experience i had m'self, that day or the day before.

i get all goose-bumpy and feeling flushed cuz i know it's a Cosmic Reminder. of something...

then i realized it was a good thing. cuz to me it meant i was living in the flow, right where i should be. right where i wanna be.

so i say thank you God/Goddess/Universe.


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