Monday, January 8, 2018


I should be sleeping but my brain is spinning and grinding.

Here are my musings:

After much thought, I realized that I'm not as dismissive with the exes as I previously thought. Though the percentage still remains low in terms of who I still keep in touch with, it came to me that not all of them got the boot.

Mr. Skittish and I are still friends and he's been a constant listening ear in the past month as well as a good resource for information when I was first dealing with my dad's situation at the beginning of December.

There is also another guy who I had a couple of dates with that I'm still friendly with. We're linked on social media and we also exchange jokes and such in e-mail from time to time.

So that adds two to the very small number of guys who remain in the "Cool Dudes" column.

Of those two, I can't say either would get me anywhere near an altar but that would depend on what the terms were.

Honestly, at my age, a man has to bring considerably more to the table than his declaration of love everlasting. No gold digging in my past or future because if I can't like a man enough to love him, nothing else he offers will suffice. However, anyone who comes with his pockets turned out would be a liability.

There needs to be balance.

Hmmm... The longer I think about the exes, the more names flit through my head.

Right now I'm thinking about Chuck and how we can add him to that short column. (More about Chuck here: 691.)

He and I are still friendly. We no longer text every day and we never talk. We text periodically, keeping each other in the loop with family issues and any other stuff we think the other wants to know.

If I had my druthers (as my momma used to say), the returning ex would be Chuck and he would be here to stay. It would require working out a whole lotta logistics but I'm confident he's the man for the job. He's an engineer! 😉

Seriously, he is now my current Fantasy Guy. Hopefully, one of the good things in store for me in 2018 includes seeing Chuck again.

Now that I've shared, it's time for sleep. I am tired as all get out.

More later y'all. 💋

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