Monday, August 21, 2017


Happy Monday everyone.

I'm sure you're all hanging on the edge of your seats waiting to hear about my weekend, yes? 😁😆😋

And I'll spill it but not right now.

Right now, I'm all tied up in emotional knots.

I think it's this eclipse in Mercury retrograde.

I don't plan to actively watch the eclipse. By that I mean I don't have the glasses,  I'm not going outside, and I'm not going to look up. My views on this are more akin to what some Native American tribes believe: this is a sacred act between God and nature and not my business to witness.

What I am doing is sitting in my living room watching my window. As of this writing, it's 2:32 p.m. in my location.

From around 11:30 a.m., it has gotten darker in tiny increments. But I can still see the sun shining onto the side of my porch.

To say it looks eerie is an understatement.

I went out around 2, to get my dirty laundry from the car. The air was different. It felt pink and lightweight. The sound was different too. Muted somehow.

I'm also watching the news. Clemson, SC is dark. People are looking up, taking photos or videos with their cell phones...

It's getting darker in here. The "hot bugs" as I call them (Cicadas? Something else?) are singing outside. They usually sing at dusk.

I'll take a photo of my kitchen and post later.

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