Monday, April 25, 2016


One of these days I'm gonna take off for a two-week all-inclusive vacation to Fiji for some serious rest and relaxation.

I wish it was today.

The weekend was phenomenal and I'm grateful for all things converging to make it so.

My new suitor took me to the beach. We went sightseeing, ate like pigs, walked the shore, smelled the ocean, watched the palm trees sway, and he introduced me to a few members of his family.

When we arrived back in town, we hung out with Miz A (who is still celebrating her birthday) and several other friends for a couple of hours in the executive lounge of a local hotel. We had hors d'oeuvres, drinks, and scintillating conversation.

By the time I got home, it was after 9 p.m.

It was a long weekend...

Yes, I am exhausted. The new beau is too.

Problem solver that he is, he got us both vitamins. Mine are in my kitchen, patiently waiting for me to ingest their magical elixir and commence to energizing.

This quest for fire shall begin around 10 a.m.

And yes, I said he took me to meet his family. He has a cousin who works at the beach; we went to the cousin's job for a visit.

What surprised me was when he said he was taking me to meet his parents. A few hot flashes ensued  but I rolled with it. Because I'm practicing living in the moment and I'm getting good at it.

I'm sure at some point someone out there will be salivating for more details about My Guy, if not already.

Before the Great Flood is unleashed, here are a few tidbits: he's average height, his skin is a shade lighter than mine, and he's handsome.

He is also youthful in appearance, chivalrous, generous, accommodating, attentive; he sports a large tattoo in a visible location and has a beautiful smile.

Now it's time to bid you all a fond farewell.

Ten a.m. is my call time and it's currently 6:01 a.m.

Miz A and I have a date for shopping and a movie around noon. Probably lunch or an early dinner too.

My head is gonna fall into a nice fluffy pillow in about five minutes.

Check in mid-week for more...

Wishing everyone a day filled with joy and awe!


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