Monday, September 28, 2015


My daughter is evolving to be an amazing young adult.

I'm always impressed by her deductive reasoning and analytical skills, even if I don't always agree with her conclusions.

What strikes me most about her is her gumption. When she wants to do something, she does it, no excuses.

There are many things she taught herself to do, when I was struggling to grasp those things at the same chronological age.

Currently, I'm most proud of her and happy for her regarding her career goals. When I was her age, I had no clue what my true passion was.

My daughter is a makeup artist. She's been interested in make-up since she was a tiny thing. Maybe it's my influence because I would sometimes put lipstick on her for photos. She was a scrumptiously beautifully plump baby and I thought she looked extra pretty wearing lipstick.

When she got old enough to do it herself, she did it up. The makeup, the hair, the clothes. (There's a particular day I'm thinking of and there just happens to be a photo of her after she nodded off in all her finery. But I won't post it out of respect for her.)

The older she got, the more she got into makeup. She started out with mine, progressed to buying her own at the dollar store (which wasn't good enough because I used M.A.C. and most dollar store stuff just isn't M.A.C. level good), moved up to brands she could find at Walmart and Target.

After watching lots of YouTube videos (most featuring Michelle Phan) she finally moved to "better" brands at stand-alone beauty stores and department store brands. (Kat Von Dee, Estee Lauder, etc.)

Last year, she and a friend began doing makeup for plays at local theaters.

This past weekend she and her friend were requested to do makeup for an upcoming event that will feature well-known celebrity musicians. People I consider real musicians.

I've exposed her to a wide variety of music from many genres (as my momma did with me); Baby Bliss considers these people real musicians as well so she's excited.

I know her attitude as well as her aptitude are what led to her latest invitation. With faith I know she will receive untold numbers of invitations that will lead her to meet people and go places that will enhance her life and allow her to do the same for those she meets.

With gratitude, we thank you God for all blessings.


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