Tuesday, May 31, 2011

477: On a less urgent note...

This weekend was a good one.

Mr. Bliss and I did a little grocery shopping Saturday morning. We picked up a few things for the house and a few things for the Memorial Day cookout our minister has every year.

As soon as we got back in, I remembered that I needed to return an overdue book to the library and pick up some items I'd reserved. So we grabbed the book and went back out. We came home with two movies: "Their Eyes Were Watching God" and "The Social Network".

Mr. Bliss and I watched "The Social Network". It wasn't what I expected. Which is not saying much because I'm not sure what I expected from the movie. We both agreed we were glad we didn't pay to see it at the theater.

I'd seen "Their Eyes Were Watching God" twice already but surprisingly didn't remember much of it. Which was strange because I also read the book in English honors and at the time, my life was taking a similar path as Janie's.

A friend dropped by while I was watching. She and I had a high old time, cackling and commenting on the racier parts of the movie. I was also led to research current treatment for rabies. It's not as awful as it was because you no longer have to get the shots in the stomach. But you do have to get shots and apparently right away because if symptoms start, you're a goner.

Here's to never getting bit by a stray. Or even licked, if there's an open sore or wound in an uncovered area where a stray could reach, as rabies is transmitted through saliva.

Sunday, Mr. Bliss got called in to work around sunrise. Bleh. Baby Bliss and I went to church. Baby Bliss took a friend along. It was a long day, as usual. We usually get home around 2 because after church we:

  1. have lunch in the multi-purpose house next door to church.
  2. check my PO box before we head home.
  3. sometimes stop at the Dollar Tree or Goodwill because they are near the post office.
  4. sometimes stop at Trader Joe's before we head home.
  5. sometimes stop at my grandma's before we head home.
Mr. Bliss worked Monday too so he missed the cookout. Baby Bliss and I had fun without him.

Although I intended to arrive at the BBQ at the appointed hour, we were an  hour late. Not unusual for us and we didn't miss a thing.

Baby Bliss did just what she intended to do which was frolic in the pool all day. I was surprised she even took time to eat anything. I like to exercise in the pool, not play in it. And since play was the order of the day, I stayed on the hot, hot, hot sidelines with a few others.

I didn't mean to stay as long as we did. My plan was three hours, maybe four; help clean a little, then home. We got there at two and stayed until eight. So much for planning...

But I'll blame it on Baby Bliss. She was having a ball with her friends. And I was running my mouth and not keeping track of time. And we didn't have a specific time to return home. So we hung until we were among the last stragglers. Also one of Baby Bliss's friends had to wait a while for his grandma so we waited with him.

We got home in time to see the remnants of what must have been a really big pool party in our community pool. Thank God we missed most of it. I probably wouldn't have had a parking space if we had come home any earlier.

All in all, it was a good weekend and I'm thankful.



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