Monday, September 10, 2007

222: bliss is a Rockin' Girl Blogger

oh my Gawd y'all!

i've been given a Rockin' Girl Blogger Award by my blog-sista Aly Cat, who's a Rockin' Girl Blogger herself. thanks girl! :-)

here it is:

isn't it cute y'all?

i read that the award was invented in june 2007 by a blogger named Roberta over at Blogging Made Devilishly Simple.

wow Roberta. you came up with a winner cuz i've seen this award in a whooooole lotta places and i had no idea it was a new concept.

and now, in keeping with tradition, i've gotta tag a Rockin' Girl Blogger or two...

so lemme go check my list a few times to see who's "it".


1 comment:

Aly Cat 121 said...

ha ha! You go gurl! Yeah I didn't include the other stuff in my post, I just hoped folks would click on the link of the sistah who gave it to me. *shakin head* I know I'ma hot azz mess. LOL