Monday, September 3, 2007

217: sunday stuff

oh happy day! 

we were late for church sunday cuz we overslept by 28 minutes and we dragged our tails getting outta here. on a nicer note, i discovered a better route to church. it's not faster but i like it better cuz the first leg is highway driving. when our road winds back into the city, the scenery is fresh and new cuz it's not our usual route. that makes it a nicer drive for me. '-) 

boy howdy was church good! our friend S___ went to another of our churches so i sat near folks who i didn't know until the end, when we hugged and cried on each other. baby bliss goes to the kid's section now without my prompting. i'm happy for her cuz for awhile she was too shy

one time she went and came back crying 10 minutes later, saying she didn't know what they expected her to do. 

after church, we stopped briefly at the library to return a movie. our next stop was bloom to get chips and soda for the cookout at our ministers' house. we took the few hours between church and party to rest and i should have taken a nap but didn't. 

i also should have taken my contacts out and rinsed them but i didn't. :-(  (i probably should be doing it right now but i'm not.) 

the cookout was fun and yummy. our ministers, C___ and R___ provided the dogs and burgers. we all brought the rest.  :0) everyone laughed, talked, ate, and drank to almost-bursting. the chaps ran around the yards (front, back, side), played b-ball, volley ball, flew a mylar frisbee, and probably enjoyed themselves more than the adults. 

there was also a live concert with our musical director for the month. he's a very talented dude who has performed at venues around the country and with some well-known artists. he and our ministers are good friends. i missed the music cuz i stayed outside with some of the chaps (baby bliss included) and started a new basket. we got home round about 9 p.m. 

it's movie night.


Aly Cat 121 said...

Chile my azz is lucky if I make it to the side of the house to take out the dayum trash (which by the I don't and just dump the bag in the garage and leave it for my hubby - which he hates) LOL

Bliss said...

you are funny girl! i don't like garbage detail either. the bag from friday was almost overflowing by monday morning. but you know what i did right? i tried not to make more trash cuz i left that bag right there til mr. bliss got back. '-)