Tuesday, August 28, 2007

209: we missed it. :-&

well y'all, we missed the eclipse.

baby bliss set her alarm to wake us at 5:30 a.m. but i think she forgot to fiddle with the notification and it woke us at 4:30.

but we didn't know it was 4:30.

what i do know is i could barely open my eyes and baby bliss was full of life. she kept repeating, "come onnnnnnnn mommy" over and over; my feet hadn't touched the floor yet.

i had only gotten in bed around 12:30 a.m. and after having been up for the preceding 39 hours, neither body nor mind welcomed the intrusion of a persistent tween.

but i knew baby bliss really wanted to see the eclipse and so did it. although it felt like i was hauling a ton, i dragged myself from the bed and got dressed.

we went down to the parking lot and there she was, our Luna, in all her full glory. and she was... un-eclipsed.

i turned to baby bliss and said, "what time is it?"

she looked at her phone then looked sheepishly at me. "um, it's 4:45," she said in an almost-whisper.

"it's only 4:45?! i said wake me at 5:30 honey. the full eclipse is scheduled for 5:52"

"mom-miiiiieeeeee! i set my alarm for 5:30. something must have happened."

we trudged back up the steps.

"well i'm not sure i'll be able to get back up in time but set the alarm again."

we got in her bed.

when we woke up again it was after 7 and full daylight out. baby bliss began crying.

she sat up in bed. "oh no! mommy we missed it!"

i felt sad for her. "what time is it? maybe we can still see... something. come on, let's go."

we ran out to the parking lot again but there was nothing to see except pale skies.

oh well y'all. *shrug* maybe God/Goddess/Universe has other plans for our astronomical endeavors this year.

good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, we'll see the next lunar eclipse in february 2008.

we're hopeful.


Unknown said...

Babies are more important than eclipses that will be televised ;-). Thanks for dropping by my blog!

Aly Cat 121 said...

ohhh poor baby missed the eclipse. Next time give her a double expresso and tell her to wake you when it comes. LOL

Susan said...

I saw it! I saw it! Hubby got up as normal at 4 am. UGH. Normally I can get back to sleep, but not this morning. Saw the moon about 4:30 am, and thought, it just looks like the moon.

Tried to get back to sleep, but then at 5:40, little 20 month old woke up. So out front we went to see. Pretty cool!

But now I'm tired!

Bliss said...

hey Joh. babies ARE more important than eclipses. but we didn't see it on telly here. :-&

Bliss said...

speaking of babies Miz Aly Cat is a new momma! i mean she's an old momma but she just had a new baby. actually, she's a young-ish mommy who just had a new baby. :-) CONGRATS girl!

Bliss said...

Susan, i hope you got some rest down there. lucky you cuz you got to see the eclipse. was it red???