Tuesday, July 10, 2007

141: popcorn

i love popcorn. i love eating popcorn at the movies. i love eating lots of popcorn at the movies.

but i hate popcorn hulls. (don't you?)

there are few things that irritate me like getting popcorn hulls stuck in my teeth and gums. so of course that's what happened to me at some point while i watched Transformers. somehow i didn't know until the next morning. (and yes i brushed my teeth 'fo i went to bed. the hull must have hid and shifted while i was sleeping.)

as usual, the culprit behind this mess is the hubby. '-)

mr. bliss got me a small bag of the offensive puff balls -- after i told him i didn't want anything to eat cuz we'd just eaten dinner before we left for the movie. he knows i'm a sucker for popcorn and i think he was trying to be nice cuz he knew he'd been getting on my nerves lately.


now there is a piece of hull (maybe two) lodged somewhere in the rear upper quadrant of my gum. it feels like something's impacted back there. i've been brushing with the oral-b and prying with my tongue all day trying to lodge it free.

all i've managed to do is make my gum bleed. i think it's swollen too. as soon as i'm done blogging, i'm gonna rinse with salt water every few minutes while i watch telly or read. (can you say "spittoon"?)

if that doesn't help, i guess 11 a.m. will find me at an emergency dental appointment somewhere nearby.

hey, wonder if they could help me in the e.r.?


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