Monday, May 21, 2007

58: good morning

originally posted Tue., May 01, 2007; 6:39 a.m. EDT

hey y'all.

it's a beautiful morning in my town. the sky is all muted pastels and lovely to look at. i know it's warm out already because it's not at all cold in here. the birds are chirping lovely serenades and my own chickadee is still asleep.

what more can a mama ask for?

i've been up for a while now.

when i opened the blinds a few minutes ago, i noticed that our neighbor(s) -- on the lower level in the building across the lawn -- is/are up too. he/she/they have their blinds open too, and their lights on. i saw what appeared to be a man standing at the stove.

i can't believe i can see so far back into that apartment. i'm guessing that means my neighbors on the upper floor in that building can see into our window as well, when conditions are just so.

i have lots to do today so i started early. around 4:30 a.m., i organized the remainder of my writings. i have so much work-related stuff that it now takes up part of the built-in bookcase as well as my file cabinets.


whaddya do?

any way, today i am thankful for many aspects of my life: the people who help me overcome the obstacles (y'all know who you are) and the people who are the obstacles (cuz even tho your intent is to monkey-wrench me, it's only moving me further along my path). i am thankful for the singing birds, this apartment with its soothing view, an in-house washer and dryer, my curly/nappy hair, and my big ole butt.

i am also thankful for continuing to live a life i enjoy immensely.


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