Tuesday, June 17, 2008

371: i'm already late!

today's list:

  1. baby patel here
  2. get grandma (leave recycle-plastics at her house)
  3. goodwill (baby bliss needs shorts!)
  4. bank
  5. $$ store: "congrats" card for i_____, water,
  6. post office: f's b'day card, my sister's b'day card, i's congrats card
  7. find a good watermelon
  8. drop grandma @ home
  9. back to the branch
  10. type up lists for travel
  11. log into good reads and post about that yucky math book
  12. need to make jewelry: #1 auntie's earrings, #3 auntie's rings, my mom's rings
  13. can i finish my clothing projects before i go? (burgundy skirt, gold/black skirt, etc.)
  14. call s___ re tonite's needlework group
  15. needlework group @ the l: 6-8 p.m
  16. home again

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